Title : Down’s syndrome (trisomy 21) and alzheimer disease: A common medical and scientific fight
Alzheimer disease (AD) is a devasting problem for the aging population with less than 2% of cases are due to mutations on presenilins or Alzheimer Precursor Protein (APP). At the biochmical level, AD is characterized by senile plaques due to aggregation of amyloid peptides from the APP protein clivage and tangles due to abnormal phosphorylated Tau protein . Down syndrome /Trisomy 21 (DS/T21) is in most cases due to the presence in three copies of normal 21 genes instead of two in the general population. Among these genes are APP and many others involved in oxidative stress, amyloid peptides formation and phosphorylating enzymes and others. Persons with DS are not only prone to early aging but also to Alzheimer disease features both at the chemical level by 30-40 years old and at the neurology aspects with dementia by 50-60 years. Thus DS/T21 is the best genetic model to study AD. Moreover the population with DS/T21 constitute a rather homogenous group in which all therapeutical investigations and clinical assays can be conducted to delay the AD onset. The results obtained in this area with the 21 population will be very valuable for the general population.