Many of your body's functions are affected by degenerative nerve diseases, including balance, movement, speech, breathing, and heart function. Many of these illnesses are inherited. A medical issue such as alcoholism, a tumor, or a stroke can sometimes be the cause. Toxins, chemicals, and viruses are some of the other possible reasons. It's not always clear what's causing the problem. Neurodegenerative disorders are defined by a progressive loss of brain function, resulting in a severe reduction in patient and family quality of life. The incidence of these diseases has increased throughout time as a result of rising life expectancy, and thus has been the subject of research. These diseases, which affect people of all ages, are one of the most serious medical and socioeconomic issues of our time. Improving people's quality of life is just as important as investing in disease prevention and treatment.
Important Alert:
Title : The vital role of care homes in supporting individuals with neurological conditions.
Akankunda Veronicah, Executive Director, Uganda
Title : Quality of life children with autism spectrum disorder
Zhenhuan Liu, Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine, China
Title : Down’s syndrome (trisomy 21) and alzheimer disease: A common medical and scientific fight
London Jacqueline, Paris Diderot University, France